Monday, March 31, 2014


1- Create a Statement or Treatment .

LSD soaked cheese is being sold by the pound at Whole foods, and it's on sale!  How did this happen? View inside evidence of humans infected- Tune in to The News coming up next.

Inside evidence: a camera filming the group of infected persons, REAL because they will have to do a project so they have a camera filming at all times. FAKE because we zoom in and have different camera angles (something a camera set up in the corner for a project couldn't do.)

This perspective takes the viewer through our thought process as well as a complete storyline with all strings attached. Overall someone is watching the news and it’s about a cheese outbreak that grew LSD, and the catch is that the tv viewer's friend just ate some.

2-Create a list of Priority Elements in the documentary
         This should include opening, context of theme, interviews, supporting information, moment of culmination and ending.

Script: From the beginning- living room, man's voice from out of shot, looking at Tv. "Honey you have to try this { new cheese}!" very enthusiastically, surprised, unknowing.

Tv turns on , News anchor talking, "And today's story.... A Special on Cheese... “

3- Make a list of video shots needed
          (will come, scanning documents)

Anchorman Scene

(theme song)
Main voice: Good evening ladies and gentlemen, tonight we will be talking about a very alarming story involving a very cheesy situation.
Coming up now, our anchorman, Jeremy Stoyze.
“Here we have our top anchorman with tonight’s story”
(theme song )
change voice-
News Anchor: “Last night, what started out to be a casual dinner for four friends, ended up turning into a psychedelic nightmare. Four young adults tragically lost their minds while eating cheese. You heard me, cheese! The cheese was bought at Slow Foods and doctors found out that it was soaked in LSD!
The amount of LSD their bodies had to intake was too much for them, and right now they are institutionalized in the Mental Hospital of York. Tune in because coming up next is exclusive first hand footage of how it all went wrong!”
~Plays home video evidence~

Kitchen Scene

hanging out normally in kitchen, cheese on the table

woman #1: “I’m so happy we’re getting to hang out guys, I’ve missed you all so much! Spring break was so boring without you all!”
man #1: “Yeah, I agree! I’m so excited to try this imported cheese I found at Slow Foods today. They said it was one of the best kinds they had in stock!”
woman #2: “ I brought my camera so that we can register this moment! We never hang out anymore so I figured I’d film this so we can relive our college days whenever we want to! Now, what are we waiting for? Lets try this cheese!”

eating cheese , close up of face, cheese falling out of mouth + drooling

woman #1: “Dude this is a-ma-ziiing”
man #1: “Yeah!! I told you it’d taste good! Can you cut me another piece?”
Camera angle shifts to looking down at cheese, food spitting from mouth:
woman #2: “I think this is like the best cheese I’ve ever had in my entire life. Dude, you gotta try this!!”
woman #3: “Ahhh I usually don’t eat cheese, but I’ll make an exception!”
woman #3: “WOW, this really IS good.”
All together: “mmmmmmmmmmmmm”

*Sign: (2 hours later)*

everyone slumping around chairs, original viewpoint from stationary camera
waking up, drooling and shaking…

Man: “Woooaah what happened”

everyone starting to walk around very crazy, mystified, disoriented.

Woman #2: “Wow… What’s going on?”

standing up, starting to move around

Woman #1: “where are we??”
Woman #3: “I don’t know, but it’s getting kinda cold.”
Man : “Maybe we should turn this on and it’ll generate some heat!! Then we’ll be saved!!”

turning on stove
Woman #3: “Woah! Good idea!”

All of a sudden suitemate comes out

Suitemate: “What’s going on here? Are you guys okay?
Woman #2: “Who is that?? Who’s talking to me?”
Woman #1: “I don’t know, but I seem to recognize the voice from somewhere.”
Suitemate: “Guys it’s me! Cassandra, you’re suitemate!”
Man : “Maybe it’s someone who broke into your suite or something”
Suitemate: “That’s it! I’m calling 911! (dials 911) You’re all shivering and acting weird! AND WHY IS THE STOVE ON???”

looking at camera

Suitemate: “What’s this? Why is there a camera here?? I’m turning this off.”

walks towards camera, hand covering it- off.

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