Friday, May 16, 2014



Labyrinthe –

My CD rom is an art piece that is to be used when walking. When the CD starts, get up and follow the directions in the songs if you can hear it. If you can not (the sounds are hidden, overlapped, etc) on the back of the jewel case the song titles also tell you what was said– the directions.


Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Final Project {ponderings+inspirations}

inspired by:


The two examples above show a story that plays with time in the sense that it is broken up frame by frame confusing the eyes, but basically is a short video that follows some sort of order.
The next video messes with the time format of the story. Like the previous videos, the subject is creative and transformative stop motion. Unlike the above, the cuts jump around and don't always make logical sense.

 (i.e. cutting the butter; one slice with the knife and we suddenly have 5 pieces.)

Also this is cute and funny to use house hold objects and do a voice over:

Monday, April 21, 2014



Labyrinth. looks like a brain- the human brain is a labyrinth.

I was thinking of using video as an orifice for my explanation of a labyrinth. I want to have someone chewing gum, blowing a bubble, and having it pop, but have the sound be off-track.
   At first, this will seem just like the video is lagging, but then the person in the video will react to the sound effects, acting confused and disoriented, trying to blow their bubble again and again with further sound distortions.
 I plan on doing this layout of video/sound with a couple different scenarios, then for the final presentation having it be a room full of theses videos, with the sound all going off at once, like each video is reacting another. Overall effect very confusing and stimulating. Maybe I will use a bunch of televisions, or just have all of the videos projected on the walls.

I found some sound clips that I can layer together to create the audio effects that I want to achieve.

I hope to hone my skills at video filming and editing that I have learned with our last project, and create something that fully gets my point across as well as encompassing the requirements of the course and pulling in final presentation as much as thoughtfulness in the project itself.



 noun \mə-ˈmen-(ˌ)tō, ÷mō-\
: something that is kept as a reminder of a person, place, or thing


Two different sequences, one in black and white and one in color,  shown in reverse order. The characters get reveled to you slowly- you are kept on the same confused track